1. Will you come and be free from the bondage of sin?
Jesus has died on the tree;
He has purchased redemption to gather you in;
Mercy is calling for thee.

R. Oh, will you come? Oh, will you come?
Jesus will save every one;
Oh, beware! Don’t you see there is pardon for thee?
Mercy is calling you home.

2. Will you come to Him now? Then resist every wrong;
Happy indeed you will be;
He will bless you with peace and with heavenly song;
Mercy is calling for thee.

3. Will you come as you are? for He knoweth your heart,
Jesus will make trouble flee;
He will banish your gloom, He will vict’ry impart;
Mercy is calling for thee.

4. Will you come? He will save; how He pleads with you now!—
Jesus had mercy on me—
He’s the best friend you have, oh, be humble and bow!
Mercy is calling for thee.

Versetul Zilei

Luca 18:34

Ei n-au inteles nimic din aceste lucruri; caci vorbirea aceasta era ascunsa pentru ei, si ei nu pricepeau ce le spunea ISUS.

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