1. I yield to Thee, Savior, forsaking my all,
From sinful things now I will part;
To Thee I surrender, for mercy I call,
Come, take the first place in my heart.

R. Oh, take the first place in my heart,
Oh, take the first place in my heart;
I open the door, come in, I implore;
Lord, take the first place in my heart.

2. Oh, come, gentle Spirit, don’t leave me, I pray,
From Thee I will never depart;
I come to Thee now, for I cannot delay,
Lord, take the first place in my heart.

3. I cannot be lost, Lord, for Thee I will live,
Forgiveness, O Savior, impart;
If I will confess, Thou wilt freely forgive,
And take the first place in my heart.

4. The joybells of heaven will ring in my soul,
My Savior, Redeemer, Thou art;
To Thee I surrender, wilt Thou make me whole?
Take now the first place in my heart.

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Versetul Zilei

1 Petru 3:3-4

Podoaba voastra sa nu fie podoaba de afara, care sta in impletitura parului, in purtarea de scule de aur sau in imbracarea hainelor, ci sa fie omul ascuns al inimii, in curatia nepieritoare a unui duh bland si linistit, care este de mare pret inaintea lui DUMNEZEU.

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