When I stand before Your throne
Dressed in glory not my own
What a joy I'll sing of on that day
No more tears or broken dreams
Forgotten is the minor key
Everything as it was meant to be
/: And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence
we will singWe will worship, worship
YouAn endless hallelujah to the King:/
I will see You as You areLove
You with unsinning heart
And see how much You paid to bring me home
Not till then, Lord, shall I knowNot till then,
how much I oweEverything I am before Your throne
No more tears, no more shame
No more sin and sorrow ever known again
No more fears, no more pain
We will see You face to faceSee You face to fac
Dressed in glory not my own
What a joy I'll sing of on that day
No more tears or broken dreams
Forgotten is the minor key
Everything as it was meant to be
/: And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence
we will singWe will worship, worship
YouAn endless hallelujah to the King:/
I will see You as You areLove
You with unsinning heart
And see how much You paid to bring me home
Not till then, Lord, shall I knowNot till then,
how much I oweEverything I am before Your throne
No more tears, no more shame
No more sin and sorrow ever known again
No more fears, no more pain
We will see You face to faceSee You face to fac
Versetul Zilei
1 Petru 3:3-4
Podoaba voastra sa nu fie podoaba de afara, care sta in impletitura parului, in purtarea de scule de aur sau in imbracarea hainelor, ci sa fie omul ascuns al inimii, in curatia nepieritoare a unui duh bland si linistit, care este de mare pret inaintea lui DUMNEZEU.
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