Iehova Elohim, Eternul Creator (RO & EN)
Iehova Adonai, Atotputernic Domn
El e Iehova Shur, Stânca Veacurilor
El e Iehova, Atotputernic Domn

/: Cânt Aleluia, Cânt Aleluia :/
El e Iehova, Domnul Puternic
El e Iehova, Domnul ce m-a iubit

Iehova Tsidkenu, e drept Judecator
Iehova Savaot, Domnul Ostirilor
Iehova Ho’shenu, al nostru Creator
El e Iehova, al nostru Salvator!

He is the great I AM, the God of Abraham,
Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace I AM,
The son He sent to you, that testified of Him,
He is Jehovah the God that healeth thee!

/: Sing Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah :/
He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty,
He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee!

He’s your provider, Jehovah Jireh,
God of Salvation, God of Messiah!
The son he sent to you, and testified of him,
He is Jehovah the God that healeth thee