Every move I make
I make in You
You make me move Jesus
Every breath I take
I breath in You
Every step I take
I take in You
You are my way Jesus
Every breath I take
I breath in You
Waves of mercy
Waves of grace
Every where I look
I see Your face
Your love has caprute me
O my God this love how can it b
I make in You
You make me move Jesus
Every breath I take
I breath in You
Every step I take
I take in You
You are my way Jesus
Every breath I take
I breath in You
Waves of mercy
Waves of grace
Every where I look
I see Your face
Your love has caprute me
O my God this love how can it b
Versetul Zilei
Filipeni 4:6-7
Nu va ingrijorati de nimic; ci in orice lucru, aduceti cererile voastre la cunostinta lui Dumnezeu, prin rugaciuni si cereri, cu multumiri, si pacea lui Dumnezeu, care intrece orice pricepere, va va pazi inimile si gandurile in CRISTOS ISUS!
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