Sometimes Halleluiah
Sometimes praise the Lord
Sometimes gently singing
Our hearts in one accord.

Oh let us lift our voices
Look towards the sky
And start to sing
Oh let us now return his love
Just let our voices ring.

Oh let us feel his presence
Let the sound of praises fill the air
Oh let us sing the song of Jesus love
To people everywhere.

Halleluiah Halleluiah
Eternal Father Jesus I love you
Halleluiah Halleluiah.
Jesus my saviour Halleluiah
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Versetul Zilei

Ioan 15:16

Nu va mai numesc robi, pentru ca robul nu stie ce face stapanul sau; ci v-am numit prieteni, pentru ca v-am facut cunoscut tot ce am auzit de la Tatal Meu.

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