We will seek your face Almighty God
Turn our prayer to You to heal our land
Father let revival start in us
That every heart will know Your kingdom come

Lifting up the Name of the Lord
In power and in unity
We will see the nations turn
Touching heaven, changing earth
Touching heaven, changing earth

Never looking back will run the race
Living in You our lives will gain the prize
We will take the harvest given us
Though we saw in tears, we’ll reap in joy

Send revival , send revival, Send revival to us
Versuri similare
Father in heaven
Lost forever
I see heaven before me
I see heaven before me
Our God is an awesome God
To You
Blessing and Honor

Versetul Zilei

Psalmi 37:30-31

Gura celui neprihanit vesteste intelepciunea, si limba lui trambiteaza dreptate. Legea DUMNEZEULUI sau este in inima lui.

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