1. We are kept by the power and favor of God
From all the dominion of sin;
He cleanseth by faith in His own precious blood,
His spirit is reigning within.

R. We are kept by the power of God,
We are kept by the power of God;
By trusting, obeying,
By watching and praying,
We are kept by the power of God.

2. We are kept by the power of God through faith
So long as we walk in the light;
Our helper is Jesus who faithfully saith,
“I’m with you by day and by night.”

3. We are kept by the power of God if we trust,
We never need faint by the way;
Then do as He bids you, His counsel is just,
Be humble, be watchful, and pray.

4. We are kept by the power of God each day,
The story of grace we’ll repeat;
Through Him we are conquerors if we obey,
The foe we will ever defeat.

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Versetul Zilei

Filipeni 4:8

Tot ce este vrednic de cinste, tot ce este drept, tot ce este curat, tot ce este vrednic de iubit, tot ce este vrednic de primit, orice fapta buna, si orice lauda, aceasta sa va insufleteasca.

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