We are a moment
You are forever
Lord of the ages
God before time
We are a vapour
You are eternal
Love everlasting
Reigning on high

Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty
Worthy is the lamb who was slain
Highest praises, honour and glory
Be unto Your Name
Be unto You Name

We are the broken
You are the Healer
Jesus redeemer
Mighty to save
You are the love song
Well sing forever
Bowing before You
Blessing Your Nam
Versuri similare
Nu voi uita acel moment
Ce bine e cu Isus
This is my desire
From the Day - I AM THEY

Versetul Zilei

Filipeni 4:8

Tot ce este vrednic de cinste, tot ce este drept, tot ce este curat, tot ce este vrednic de iubit, tot ce este vrednic de primit, orice fapta buna, si orice lauda, aceasta sa va insufleteasca.

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