1. There is a beautiful terrible cross
Where though You committed no sin
Savior You suffered the most wicked fate
On the cruelest creation of men.

R. Yet on that beautiful terrible cross
You did what only You could
Turning that dark inspired evil of hell
Into our soul's greatest good.

2. We see the love that You showed us
We see the live that You lost
We bow in wonder and praise You
For the beautiful terrible cross.

3. There on that beautiful terrible cross
Though darkness was strong on that hill
You remained sovereign, Lord, still in control
As Your perfect plan was fulfilled.

4. We gained the riches of heaven
Jesus You paid the horrible cost
We stand forgiven and praise You
For the beautiful terrible cross.

In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

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Savior I come
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Versetul Zilei

Filipeni 4:6-7

Nu va ingrijorati de nimic; ci in orice lucru, aduceti cererile voastre la cunostinta lui Dumnezeu, prin rugaciuni si cereri, cu multumiri, si pacea lui Dumnezeu, care intrece orice pricepere, va va pazi inimile si gandurile in CRISTOS ISUS!

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