We come into Your presence, to sing a song to You
A song of praise and honor, for all the things
You've helped us through

You gave a life worth living, a life in love with You
And now I just love giving, all my praises back to You

You're the Father of Creation, The risen Lamb of God
You're the One Who walked away
From the empty tomb that day
And You set Your people free, with love and liberty
And I can walk with You
Every night and every day
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We come into Your presence
Bold Faith - Andreea M.
This is the air I breath
This is the day

Versetul Zilei

1 Ioan 1:5

Vestea pe care am auzit-o de la El si pe care v-o propovaduim, este ca DUMNEZEU e lumina, si in El nu este intuneric.

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