/: I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord
I will sing to Him a new song :/

/: I will praise Him
I will sing to Him a new song :/

/: Aleluia! Aleluia!
Alelu Aleluia! :
Versuri similare
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
This is the day
Give thanks to the Lord 
Life in five days
My Jesus, my Saviour
It used to be darkness
All I need is You
I will sing praise

Versetul Zilei

Exodul 15:23-24

Au ajuns la Mara; dar n-au putut sa bea apa din Mara, pentru ca era amara... .DOMNUL i-a aratat un lemn, pe care l-a aruncat in apa. Si apa s-a facut dulce.

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